Monday, 10 February 2014

Pizza night

It's been ages since I last blogged, mainly because I have been on a miserable diet and haven't made anything nice to write about as a result.  I'm still on the miserable diet of dust, but tonight I offered to make the Very Tolerant Boyfriend homemade pizza as a treat.

I miss making bread, so making a pizza dough kind of made up for that.  This recipe makes enough dough for two large pizza or four smaller ones.

Pizza Dough

  • 300g wholemeal flour
  • 200g plain white flour
  • 7g yeast
  • 325ml warm water
  • tblsp sugar
  • pinch of sea salt
  • slug of olive oil

Sieve the flour together, place in a bowl and create a well in the middle of the flour.  Combine the water, yeast, sugar, salt and oil and mix well.  Pour a little of the water into the well in the middle of the flour and start to mix in adding more water as you go.  I usually use the dough hooks on my hand whisk to bring the dough together.  Once it's completely combined, tip from the bowl and knead until smooth and springy.

Return to the bowl, cover and place in a warm place to rise.  When the dough has doubled in size, knock it back, cover and return to the warm to rise again.

Knock it back for a second time, divide into pieces (I made two large pizzas) and roll into a circle on a floured surface.  Transfer to a pizza tray or stone, and brush with olive oil.  Then smear on some tomato puree, before adding some tomato sauce made from a tin of tomatoes and some garlic reduced down to a thick sauce.

After that it's just whatever toppings you want.

I stuck with things that we had in the fridge, so some diced venison and pork sausages left over from the weekend, some sliced bacon, onion, red peppers, some slices of chorizo, olives and handfuls of grated mature cheddar, all topped with ground black pepper.  Another favourite, if I'm actually eating, is chicken, sweetcorn with cheese, drizzled with sweet chilli sauce.

Cook for 15-20 minutes, at 180 degrees, slice and serve.

Fortunately it freezes well too, as I think I might have made too much for the Tolerant Boyfriend to eat on his own.

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