Friday, 6 December 2013

Steak Porn

As a treat, for nearly making it through the year without either of us dying, the Very Tolerant Boyfriend and I decided to treat ourselves to some utterly epic steaks.  Steaks of such beauty and magnitude that they would (and did) make grown men weep.

It had been a really beautiful day, bright and crisp.  We’d walked into town for a spot of lunch, picked up a few Christmas presents and then had half an hour to before meeting some friends to see an exhibition and have some cake.  As we were too far away from our usual butchers to get there and back in time, we ventured into Source in St Nicks; I’ve really only ever been in there for lunch before but their deli butchers is amazing.  The guy who served us was really knowledgeable about the meat, and didn’t try and push us towards the most expensive cut.

After opting for some T-bones (we didn’t listen to the butcher’s advice) we stood watching them  and a small crowd gathered around us to admire them.  The other butchers stopped their work to marvel.  It really sounds like I’m making this up, but I’m not. They were cut very thick, which is is the only way to eat steak and Source's meat is all aged for at least 28 days.

Anyway, when we finally got the beautiful steaks home, we left them out for an hour to bring them up to room temperature and marinated them in a measure of whisky and a measure of balsamic vinegar for an hour.  The steaks were so big that when we came to cook them, we had to use a separate griddle pan for each one.  We cooked them for five minutes on each side, turning them only once.  Mine was done to perfection, but the Very Tolerant Boyfriend’s which was slightly bigger might have benefited from another minute in the pan.

Served with baked sweet potatoes and sweet chilli broccoli.

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