Sunday, 10 February 2013

(Chinese) New Year Resolutions

I've got to be honest, last year's resolutions didn't go so well. I kind of thought about not making any this year, then I realised I just needed to make better ones. Revolutionary concept no?

So let's review what I thought I was going to do this year.

  • Teach myself SQL properly.  Yup, pretty much done.
  • Learn to make Roman blinds. Hahahahahahah No
  • Finally get the tires changed on my bike so I can cycle to work when the weather gets better. Half done.  The bike has been fixed, I cycled for a bit then lent it to a friend whose need was greater. 
  • Find a hedgehog water bottle that doesn’t leak. Technically no, but I did give the hedgehog back to the idiot who gave it to me, some I'm calling that one as a win.  Seriously - WHO gives exotic animals for Christmas.
  • Finish the bathroom. Nearly.
  • Joing the WI.  Yes really.  The tolerant housemate has already been enlisted for this venture.No, not at all, this just didn't happen.
  • Finish the kitchen. I need to finish a tiny little bit of tiling, make blinds (yes again) and also bribe my baby sister to make me a door curtain, fix the door between the kitchen and living room, put up some shelves for recipe books and think about some art.  I probably need to replace the fridge as well, but I am trying to ignore that at the minute. Still not done.  I am hopeful I will do this this year.
  • Go on holiday.  I didn’t get a proper holiday last year.  Yup, done.
  •  Buy some diamond earrings.  I’ve always wanted some. Nope.  I just always had better things to spend my money on.

So, out of last years resolutions I didn't even get half of them done.  Four out of nine, even with my slightly skewed counting.  Not really that great at all.

2013 Resolutions - only a month late. 
  • Go on holiday, more than once.
  • Spend more time outside
  • Try and do some work to the house.
  • Try not to let work get on top of me.
  • Try and save on a more regular basis. 
  • Try and cook one new recipe each month. 
  • Try and spend more time with my friends and family.

And that's it.  Not too specific, not too stressful.  Ideas about how I would like to live this year, rather than a list of very specific things which I know I'm not going to manage to do.  Which probably means that I'm going to me less embarrassed about what I haven't achieved this time next year.

Oh and I'm one ahead already - that Bourbon Meatballs thing?  My new recipe for this month.  And I bought a new light for the bathroom.  So technically that is some work on the house.  If I get round to getting it fitted, then I'll be up to two.

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