Thursday, 17 January 2013

Rosemary Pucino

As my family have discovered this blog and read it regularly, I opted not to write about what I was making them for Christmas.  I thought it might ruin the surprise.

This year we had cocktails.  I was massively manic at work and far too short on time to make as much as I did last year, so everyone got the ingredients for Rosemary Pucino.  It's a recipe I discovered when I over enthusiastically pruned my rosemary bush last year and had a metric ton of rosemary to deal with.

450g blackberries
1tbsp sugar
600ml vodka

Combine these in a sealed bottle and leave in the dark for seven weeks (at least).  Shake regularly.

450g  white sugar
2 x rosemary branches
600ml water.

dissolve the sugar over a gentle heat, add the rosemary and bring to a rolling boil.  Lower the heat simmer for 2 minutes.  Leave to cool, cover and keep over night to infuse.  The next bring the syrup back to the boil, strain and bottle in sterilized bottles.


One part blackberry vodka
One part rosemary syrup
Four parts chilled prosecco
Long fresh Rosemary sprigs
Ice cubes/ crushed ice (optional)

Blend one part each of the rosemary syrup and blackberry vodka, and then top up with Prosecco.  To each glass add a long sprig of rosemary and top with crushed ice.


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