Sunday, 17 November 2013

Primed for ribs

This weekend lots of good things happened.  We finally finished off the flat and the new tenants took possession of the keys, my gorgeous nephew turned two and my lovely friend Clare came to see me.  To celebrate all of these things I decided to make some of my trademark awesome ribs in BBQ sauce.

This is one of my favourite dishes ever.  I had them for Christmas dinner last year, I think we'll be having them for Christmas Eve this year.  Well traditions have to start somewhere, like the traditional Christmas otter.

So I took three racks of pork ribs and boiled them with some peppercorns for thirty minutes.  Then I made the sauce.

BBQ Sauce

  • tomato sauce 3/4 cup
  • coke (full fat) 3/4 cup
  • 2 tbspn of Worcester sauce
  • 4 tbspn balsamic vinegar 
  • 2 clove of garlic crushed
  • tbsp soft brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp of paprika
simmer for 15 minutes until it thickens, adjusting quantities to taste

Remove the ribs from the boiling water and brush the BBQ sauce all over both sides with a pastry brush.  Pour any remaining BBQ sauce over the ribs, cover and set to one side for a couple of hours - preferably over night.

When you're ready to eat heat the oven to 170 degrees and bake for 45 minutes.

I tried to take a picture, but I only managed to get one of the leftovers